Tide II

wall sculpture with automation
bicycle wheel, plastic, aluminum, motor and gearbox, LED lighting
objet : 170 x 170 x 50 cm
Created during an artist residency at Comox Valley Art Gallery
documentation : photo & vidéo © Diane Landry


  • Matter in time, curator : Denise Lawson, Comox Valley Art Gallery, Courtenay (British Columbia, Canada).

    “Marcel Duchamp knew the hypnotic power of the wheel. To this day, his ironic masterpiece continues to fascinate. In her most recent installations, Diane Landry uses this circular objet in her own way, rigged with plastic bags and plastic bottles, lights and mechanical objects. These pieces bring an enchantment that leads spectators to another world.” Anne Pilorget, Vie des arts n° 236 - L'hypnotisme de l'art, Montréal, 2014, p. 54-55.

wall sculpture with automation
140 cm x 110 cm x 40 cm
Plastic, kraft paper, selected objects, wood, aluminum, engine, LED lighting.


  • L'esprit des lieux, during Manif d'art 9 - La biennale de Québec, curator : Sophie Jacques, Galerie Michel Guimont, Quebec city (Quebec, Canada).