Solo Knight Series

“Marcel Duchamp knew the hypnotic power of the wheel. To this day, his ironic masterpiece continues to fascinate. In her most recent installations, Diane Landry uses this circular objet in her own way, rigged with plastic bags and plastic bottles, lights and mechanical objects. These pieces bring an enchantment that leads spectators to another world.” Anne Pilorget, Vie des arts n° 236 - L'hypnotisme de l'art, Montréal, 2014, p. 54-55.

Solo Knight III (sand)
mural with automation
bicycle wheels, plastic water bottles, sand, LED, aluminum, motor, gear, ball bearing
135 cm diameter x 35 cm (depth)


  • Action & Structures, Carl Solway Gallery, Cincinnati (Ohio, USA).


  • Illuminated (space), Carl Solway Gallery, Cincinnati (Ohio, USA).


  • Pulse Miami Art Fair, Carl Solway Gallery booth, Miami Beach (Florida, USA).
  • Carl Solway Gallery, Cincinnati (Ohio, USA).

Solo Knight VI

mural with automation
bicycle wheels, plastic water bottles, motor oil, LED, aluminum, motor, gear, ball bearing
135 cm diameter x 35 cm (depth)
documentation: photo©Diane Landry 


  • Pulse Miami Art Fair, Vivianeart Gallery solo booth, Miami Beach (Floride, USA).
  • Équilibre, curator: Claire Lefebvre
, Espace création + exposition | Collège Lionel-Groulx, 

    Sainte-Thérèse (Quebec, Canada).


  • Maison de la culture Notre-Dame-de-Grâce, Montreal (Quebec, Canada).

Solo Knight II

mural with automation
bicycle wheels, plastic water bottles, mineral oil, LED, aluminum, motor, gear, ball bearing
135 cm diameter x 35 cm (depth)
documentation: photo©Diane Landry 


  • Maison de la culture Notre-Dame-de-Grâce, Montreal (Quebec, Canada).


  • L'art en soi, curator: Dany Quine and Simon Grondin, Villa Bagatelle, Quebec City (Quebec, Canada).


  • L'Échappée, Galerie Michel Guimont, Quebec City (Quebec, Canada).

Solo Knight III
mural with automation
bicycle wheels, plastic water bottles, mineral oil, LED, aluminum, motor, gear, ball bearing
94 cm diameter x 35 cm (depth)
documentation: photo©Diane Landry
Private collection 


  • Galerie Barbara Edwards Contemporary, Toronto (Ontario, Canada).
  • Gallery Barbara Edwards Contemporary, Calgary (Alberta, Canada).


  • Art Toronto, booth de Barbara Edwards Contemporary, Toronto (Ontario, Canada).


  • L'Échappée, Galerie Michel Guimont, Quebec City (Quebec, Canada).

Solo Knight V
mural with automation
bicycle wheels, plastic water bottles, sand, LED, aluminum, motor, gear, ball bearing
135 cm diameter x 35 cm (depth)
Collection Claridge, Montreal (Quebec, Canada).

Solo Knight I
mural with automation
bicycle wheels, plastic water bottles, sand, LED, aluminum, motor, gear, ball bearing
135 cm diameter x 35 cm (depth)
documentation: – photo©Diane Landry 
Pizzuti Collection, Columbus, Ohio (USA)